by Venchito Tampon | Last Updated on December 29, 2018


It is this time of the year again when people are starting to write down their list of goals for next year. Resolutions, change record, reminders boxes – whatever you call it.

It’s good to have one of them, but I always believe that the best way to start is first having a good review of what happened this year.

And there are two reasons why we don’t take a run-down of the entire year and instead go swiftly to catch the year ahead.

First, we don’t have any details or data to back up our claims and monitor our progress this year. Even if you’ve got an excellent photographic memory, it’s nearly impossible to dump all financial numbers, scheduled activities, accomplishments, even best events you’ve had in one sitting.

We can make guesses, but it’ll fail even to estimate.

Secondly, our hopes and lists for next year are more likely enticing to imagine and see, than being honest to yourself and see if there’s progress now.

And possibly it is because you know to yourself, at some or most areas of your life, you’ve failed (you’re entirely sure even if you don’t have to remember them).

Just today, I took some numbers for myself to be able to assess what happened.

It may not include all domains of my life because some are hard to quantify like relationships with my family and my ministry, though my calendar is a good tool to reveal what activities I have I invested in those areas.

Here’s a good rundown:

  • Business: 58.4% year over year growth (Goal in 2018: 100% YOY)
  • Book reading: 40 out of 48 non-fiction books
  • Conferences (industry-specific and self-improvement): 5 paid conferences out of 4 planned events to attend for the year
  • Media interviews: 3 out of 4 (though which is uncontrollable)
  • Speaking engagements: 11 out of 12 (mix of company trainings and inspirational talks)

There is only one goal that I think that was achieved, which is attending at least 4 seminars for self-growth.

The rest, they all fall short.

Being an analytical thinker, I’d always look at numbers and use it as a basis to determine if it’s a success and failure.

But that shouldn’t be how I review your goals.

Of course, numbers are essential. But there are quality measures I should also take an in-depth look. A few of which I should consider.
— “what beneficial habits have I started and sustained as of this date?
— “what attitude have I developed at work, in ministry and relationships?” Have I become more patient this year than last year?
— “How deeper my relationships are with my mentors and leaders in the ministry?” Have I let them lead, or all I do is to micromanage them?”
— “How deeper my faith in God this year than last year?”
— “Did I expand my networks this year and even cultivate better relationships with my business partner and training colleagues?


We may look at numbers alone, but it doesn’t say all that happens.

As my favorite classic speaker, Jim Rohn, says, “The ultimate achievement of a goal is not what you get, but who do you become.”

It’s a good thing to assess yourself on both sides: quantity and quality measures.

In my next post, I’ll share some tips on how to set goals and how to stay motivated until the end of next year.